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Experience Liquid Minerals

Made in the USA/ Vegan/ Gluten-Free/ Bioavailable

These essential ionic liquid minerals are naturally derived and simply the mineral elements in purified and de-ionized water, making Eidon safe for all ages.


Liquid Silica- Silica is by far the most underrated and misunderstood mineral of all. Silica supplement can help to support: healthy cartilage, joint function, strong bones, teeth and gums, gastrointestinal tissues, collagen production, hair, skin and nails. ​​​​​​

Liquid Boron- Known and used by civilizations dating at least back to the time of the Greeks, Boron as borax has a long history. Boron is found naturally in seawater, fruits, and vegetables and is concentrated in some volcanic regions of the world. It was isolated and identified as an element in 1808. Its nutritional value has been debated since 1989. It was finally accepted as an essential nutrient element in 1990 after studies showed that it influenced the metabolism of several other nutrient elements including Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus. We now believe there is also a significant synergistic relationship between Silica and Boron.​​​​​​​


Liquid Calcium​​​​​​​- Calcium, the most plentiful mineral found in the human body, ideally comprises 1.5 to 2% of an adult's total body weight. Every cell and organ in the body depends on Calcium for proper functioning. Teeth and bones contain the majority of the body's Calcium (about 99%), where it is stored for future uses. The body uses Calcium for: Digestion, Blood clotting, Nerve signal transmission (electrolyte) and Acid/alkaline balancing of blood.


Liquid Chromium​​​​​​​- Analysis has shown that unrefined carbohydrates, especially grains, are rich in Chromium and other essential life supporting minerals. The refining of carbohydrates gives them a longer shelf life, however, Chromium and other essential minerals are removed. Consequently, the human body does not have the elements it needs to effectively deal with these powerful energy sources. Eating such refined food leads to mineral deficiencies and an inability to catalyze those cellular enzymes which require the removed mineral elements.


Liquid Silica​​​​​​​- Silica is by far the most underrated and misunderstood mineral of all. Silica supplement can help to support: healthy cartilage, joint function, strong bones, teeth and gums, gastrointestinal tissues, collagen production, hair, skin and nails. 


Liquid Copper​​​​​​​- Copper is essential for both Iron and Zinc utilization, as well as for maintaining a strong cardiovascular system. Copper, along with Iron, is necessary to produce hemoglobin (the part of the red blood cell that carries oxygen from the lungs to all the cells in the body). Copper is necessary for normal development and maintenance of blood, bone, nerves, connective and other tissues.


Liquid Iodine​​​​​​​- Iodine's primary role is to support a healthy thyroid gland by activating the production of thyroxine, which is needed throughout the body for energy production. About 50 to 60 percent of the body's Iodine is stored in the thyroid gland.  The rest is distributed throughout the body, especially in ovaries, breast and prostate tissue, muscles, and blood. Women may require higher Iodine amounts during puberty and pregnancy. Iodine plays an important role in many of the body's functions. It helps to support: Thyroid function, which influences the adrenal glands, Healthy reproductive function, Nerve and muscle function, Cellular oxygen use, Healthy hair, skin, and bones, The breakdown of fats and proteins and Iodine can become depleted when one is exposed to heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum and bromide. 


Liquid Iron- ​​​​​​​Iron’s primary role in the body is as a component of numerous enzymes and other molecules absolutely essential for health and optimal well-being. The most important compounds are as follows: Hemoglobin is the iron containing molecule found in blood and is responsible for oxygen and carbon dioxide transport. This is obviously very important for the function and survival of all air breathing organisms. Myoglobin is the iron containing molecule found in muscle tissue which is responsible for providing extra oxygen to the muscle during intense physical exercise when the blood supply cannot provide the necessary amounts. Cytochromes are iron containing molecules necessary for the production of ATP, our energy currency.


Liquid Lithium​​​​​​​- Lithium is an essential mineral element. Deficiencies can occur due to diet and water sources and may be depleted with the consumption of foods containing: mercury, aspartame, MSG, BPA and other excitotoxins. Recent research is now discovering numerous applications for low dose Lithium from 1-10 mg per day. Lithium at this intake range may provide the following physiological benefits, according to Timothy Marshal, PhD: Assist in vitamin B12 and folate transport and uptake, Promotes brain health and function, May improve cognition, Improves mood and Reduces nervousness


Liquid Magnesium​​​​​​​- Magnesium plays an essential role in over 300 enzyme reactions in the human body. All refined foods are lacking Ionic Magnesium, as well as most other essential minerals. Many Americans eat a highly refined diet and are, as a result, deficient in Magnesium.


Liquid Manganese​​​​​​​- Manganese is an essential element that most people know little about. Adequate tissue manganese is important for numerous physiological functions. Among those are: Maintaining optimal energy and strength levels, analyzing the production of SOD (superoxide dismutase), Supports healthy bone and cartilage, Proper growth and reproduction, Bile production, Proper functioning of the digestive tract and Supports neurological health


Liquid Molybdenum​​​​​​​- Molybdenum is an important mineral element now recognized as an essential catalyst for 3 cellular enzymes needed for the breakdown of potentially harmful compounds, normally produced in the body or introduced into the body via food and water.


Liquid Phosphorus​​​​​​​ - Phosphorus is an essential yet often overlooked element in terms of daily need. While many medical professionals believe adequate levels are available in our diets, it is in fact very questionable that we are getting enough of this critical element.


Liquid Potassium- Potassium is one of seven inorganic, macro mineral nutrients needed in relatively high daily amounts. It is the third most prevalent element in the body after Calcium. Along with Chloride, Sodium, Magnesium and Calcium, Potassium is an essential electrolyte. These elements are called electrolytes because they carry an electrical charge when dissolved in body fluids. These elements are distributed throughout the body's fluids, including blood, lymph, and interstitial fluids, as well as intracellular fluids.

Liquid Selenium​​​​​​​- Selenium, while little known by the public, is a well-studied element. It is involved as a catalyst in several important enzymes. The most well-known function is in the liver where selenium catalyzes or activates the glutathione peroxidase enzyme.


Liquid Sulfur​​​​​​​- Sulfur is essential for collagen synthesis, which equates to healthy joints, smooth skin, glossy hair and hard nails. It is critical to protein utilization and  metabolism. Sulfur is found in every cell of the human body and is a crucial component of our tissues and some amino acids, hormones, vitamins, enzymes, antibodies and antioxidants. Large amounts of Sulfur are found in joints, skin, hair, and nails. There is a minimum concentration of Sulfur that must be maintained for normal healthy bodily function and structure. The body uses Sulfur to continually create healthy new cells to replace old ones. Sulfur has a role in cell permeability, ensuring that nutrients are delivered into the cell and waste products are removed.


Liquid Zinc​​​​​​​- Eidon's ionic liquid zinc is essential for the maintenance of immune system strength and glandular health. It can be rapidly depleted when the body is fighting an illness. Zinc is the tenth most abundant element in the human body. 



Combining minerals can optimize their effect while making it easier to dose.

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