Colon hydrotherapy (also known as colonics, colon cleansing, colon irrigation, and high enema) is a method of hydrating and toning the large intestines (colon). Many health authorities believe that diseases begin in the colon and that colon health is critical to overall health and well-being. The colon absorbs water, vitamins and minerals to create feces. All absorbed materials are passed to the liver through the portal vein. Waste matter from food, drinks, pollutants and internally produced waste is eliminated by the colon.
Colon hydrotherapy is one of the most effective ways of hydrating and toning the colon and detoxifying the overall system. Colon hydrotherapy works with 9 out of the 11 systems of our body (Respiratory, Urinary, Digestive, Immune, Cardiovascular, Lymphatic, Integumentary, Nervous and Endocrine System). When the colon works properly, the body systems tend to work properly.
Waste material (such as impacted feces, dead cellular tissue, accumulated mucus, parasites, etc.) that has remained in the colon for some time poses several problems. This material is quite toxic. These poisons can re-enter and circulate in the blood stream, making us feel weak and tired. Impacted material impairs the colon's ability to assimilate minerals and vitamins. A build-up of material on the colon wall can inhibit muscular action, causing sluggish bowel movement, slow transit time, constipation, etc.
If you suffer from one or more of the following, you may be a candidate for colon hydrotherapy:
• Fatigue
• Headache, Back Pain or Arthritis
• Constipation or Diarrhea
• Abdominal Distention, Bloating or Gas Pain
• Skin Problems
• Bad Breath
• Irritability or Nervousness
• Depression or Mood Swings
• Food Allergies
• Sexual Dysfunction
• Prostate Problems
• Colitis
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome
• Candida or Parasites
• Yeast Infection
• Bacterial Imbalances after Antibiotic or Hormonal Treatment or Birth Control Pills
Colon hydrotherapy is also an essential part of any cleanse and can also aid in preparation for surgery to help reduce the risk of infections and post surgery to aid in the body’s self healing.
A series of 3-6 colonics is suggested for hydrating the colon. A series of 6-15 colonics is suggested to cleanse the colon. In conjunction with an improved diet, exercise, proper rest, and nutritional supplementation, colon hydrotherapy can assist the client with improved colon function. Many of our clients find it valuable to continue cleansing once a month or so to maintain the benefits they have experienced.
How will I know when the colon is empty?
It will probably never be empty, as it is an organ in continuous use. As more of the old, impacted material is released you will actually feel the water enter higher regions of the colon without any sense of obstruction. The objective ought not to be an empty colon, but rather a well-functioning colon.
Please call us for additional information. 650-468-1365
Weight restriction for Colonic is 250 lbs. max due to working weight limit of our table.