Q. Who shouldn't do it?
There are few contraindications for this treatment.
Severe Raynaud's syndrome, Severe allergy to cold, and Progressive Diseases (MS, ALS, Parkinson's, neuropathy) are contraindicated for all Cryoskin sessions. Pregnancy/Breastfeeding is contraindicated for all sessions except the Facial Toning (Absolutely NO body sessions). For Slimming sessions specifically: Active Cancer, Lymphatic Disorders, Severe Kidney and Liver Disease, Severe Diabetes.
Q. What are the contraindications specific to Slimming?
Active Cancer, Lymphatic Disorders, Severe Kidney and Liver Disease, Severe Diabetes.
Q. What are the contraindications specific to the Facial?
Must respect the waiting period if the client uses Botox or fillers. Botox: minimum one month. Fillers: minimum three months.
Q. Can I do this if I'm pregnant?
Like any external treatment, this is not advisable and of course forbidden on areas such as the tummy, breasts or even the hips (any body areas). The safest is to abstain from treatments altogether. Facial Toning sessions are the only option that we leave up to the discretion of the retailer for clients that are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Q. If not, why can't I while I'm pregnant?
Because we do not know the effects of the acceleration of the local metabolism on the fetus.
Q. What are the side effects?
There are few. Sometimes localized redness that disappears after a few hours. Sometimes some local pain that rarely exceeds 2 to 3 hours. There may also be some itching without consequences and often due to the reactions of certain cosmetic products used by clients. Hence it is good to ask clients to not use anything (i.e. strong lotions) before coming to do the treatment because some products can crystallize to the cold and cause discomfort.
Q. Are there any risks?
The risks concern only people with contraindications mentioned above and remain minor and temporary.
Q. Is there a certain person who is best suited for this treatment?
The best body profile are clients that are not "fat" or overweight. The treatment is not for clients requiring weight loss but rather for the vast majority of those who have unsightly cellulite or fatty areas (often due to poor diet, poor lifestyle or a static workplace, for example).
Q. Is there a minimum age for this treatment? Why?
The treatment is not recommended for children. It is not a problem for adolescents of age 15 or older. This is because until puberty is complete cartilage is still building. All other contraindications listed above.
Is there anyone you would advise not doing it for other reasons? i.e. Just won't work for them?
There are few failures. But sometimes some body types and metabolisms do not give the expected results. It is also very often observed that these partial failures are due to very poor diet/lifestyle or to undeclared medical conditions.
Q. If there a specific BMI (Body Mass Index) range where this works most effectively? Don’t treat people classed as “Obese”.
It would be too difficult to reach the whole area and they won’t be able to bear it for 5-6 hours and the liver and kidney can’t process that level of waste. Obese people have to diet first.“Obese” is usually BMIs over around 35 - but you can use your discretion based on the fact that you need to be able to treat an area which is half a sheet of A4 page.
Q. Are clients able to do this treatment after Cryotherapy?
Technically, they are able to do cryotherapy on the same day. However, we still recommend that clients wait until the next day to avoid potential overexposure to the cold on localized areas and subsequent discomfort for the client.
Q. How long do clients need to wait between Coolsculpting and Cryoskin?
Minimum of one month.
Q. Can we treat people with lipomas?
Out of precaution we don’t treat lipomas directly and no effective results have been shown for their treatment with Cryoskin.
Q. Is it ok to treat people with Tattoos?
Q. Is it ok to treat people who are Breastfeeding?
Yes, but never with any body sessions. Only with Facial Toning.
Q. Is it ok to treat people undergoing IVF?
Q. Is it okay to treat people who have an open wound?
No. Unless you cover the wound with some sort of plaster. The reason for this is not to pass bodily fluid onto the Wand. If you cover the wound then treat through the cover the treatment should help healing due to increased blood flow to the area.
Q. Is it okay to treat people after wax / laser hair removal?
It’s best to wait 1 week after these treatments to make sure the treated areas are fully healed and bodily fluid won’t get on the wand.
Q. Is it okay to treat people after other non-invasive dermatological procedures? (i.e. Hydrofacial, etc) - please note this does not include Botox or fillers.
Yes, all other dermatological technologies are compatible with the Cryoskin. For the Toning program, do one session per week and one other technology can be added after 72 hours. For the Slimming program, one or more other technologies can be used after 72 hours of sessions. The Cryoskin can be easily combined with popular treatments like the Hydrofacial, while respecting the 72 hour wait period.
Q. Why is this effective for Cellulite?
The treatment causes vasoconstriction then vasodilation in the blood vessels. This increases blood flow which results in increased Collagen and Elastin production. Collagen helps to break down Cellulite.
Q. How should you treat someone who is overweight AND has Cellulite?
You should do slimming one week / toning the next week and repeat - as this will reduce fat and also stimulate collagen production which breaks down fat. Ideally after the slimming treatments customers would do Drainage (Lots of water and walking OR Compression with legs elevated).
Q. What is the basis of the Cryoskin 2.0 machine?
It was built based on a medical device called Cryo T-Shock.Cryo T-Shock is used to help people recover from injuries - it reduces inflammation and pain in infected areas. This device has won awards for effectiveness and has been used for over 30,000 treatments.
Q. How does it feel?
The feeling is rather pleasant thanks to the start of the treatment which is generally done with a short period of skin warming and a gradual but rapid decrease of the temperature. At the end of the treatment, the thermal shock appears very quickly, which gives a feeling of warmth and lightness at the same time.
Q. Why do you need the gel?
The gel has been specially designed to retain all its qualities of gliding and protection from -30 ° up to + 60 °.
Q. Why is it a certain gel?
It does not crystallize and therefore does not risk stopping the gliding of the treatment head and especially protects the skin against the risks of burning by the cold.
Q. What happens if you do it without the gel?
Apart from the fact that the treatment head will have difficulty sliding on the skin, the heat and especially the cold will be much less penetrating and the risks of spontaneous freezing of the water contained in the surface tissues will be increased, therefore increasing the risk of alteration of these tissues. You also run the risk of skin damage. The treatment will thus be much less effective and much less pleasant or even unpleasant. The results will not be there and this is one of the few causes of failure.
Q. Why should you always use the gel supplied with the machine?
Many gels have been tested and this is the best for conducting the cold. It reduces any air bubbles between the device and the skin which helps to transmit the cold. It also lacks any active ingredients reducing the likeliness of any allergic reaction to the gel.
Q. Does the gel have ingredients people may be allergic to?
There are no active ingredients and all ingredients are listed on the bottle.
Q. What is the difference between this and other Cryo treatments (i.e. Local Cryo vapor)
There are other manual cryotherapy machines. But tests and experience have shown that no other machine is currently capable of an inertia as strong as the Cryoskin. This inertia is due to the fact that the device does not only produce cold. It works by heat exchange with the body and the ability to descend the temperature of the tissues very strongly and very quickly by absorption of calories, accumulation of calories and evacuation by a system equipped with a ventilated hydraulic radiator.
Q. What makes the Cryoskin 3.0 device unique?
It is the first device which applies the cold temperature to fat in this way.The machine is very well manufactured by a company which makes over 40 different medical devices and has been doing so for the last 70 years. It uses an effect called the “Peltier Effect” to precisely control the temperature of the Wand (how the cold/heat is applied to the body).There are some significant safety measures to stop the coolant mixing with the electric circuits. This is very important as some cheap alternatives don’t have these features and this could lead to electrocution of clients. The safety mechanisms are: 1) The liquid is double sealed within the machine 2) The liquid part of the machine is separated from the electrics by a plastic box 3) If the box is not kept level a ball bearing blocks the cable so liquid doesn't pass through the cable. This ball bearing can be ejected by going through a program on the front screen.
Q. Why is it important to have a machine which can precisely measure the temperature it’s administering (which is the case with Cryoskin 3.0 but not with some cheap imitations)?
You have nerves in the skin and they can get damaged at lower than -8 Celsius and if these get damaged you can’t recover. Somebody put an ice cube on their knee which was colder than it should have been and kept it static. In this case this damaged the nerve and the person was paralyzed in the foot (this didn’t happen with Cryoskin 3.0 - but is a reason why exact temperature control is important).
Q. How does Cryoskin 3.0 heat and cool the wand and why is this able to be precise in terms of temperature control?
The cold/heat is delivered by something called the Peltier effect - which is where you pass current between 2 layers of ceramic. The coolant in the machine conducts this heat/cold to make it more effective. This allows you to be very precise about the temperature you give someone. This is very important as if you can't control the temp you could damage people's nerve endings and in extreme circumstances this could lead to paralysis (which is why people shouldn't buy cheap machines!). More about the Peltier effect here if you are a real geek:
Q. Is Cryoskin 3.0 FDA approved?
No. But we are working on it.
Q.For more Permanent effects of Cryoskin 3.0 do we have any evidence for the Face Lift?
The treatment is more temporary for Face Lifts. The cold creates constriction then dilation in the treated area. This increases the production of collagen which helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines / wrinkles. The treatment also closes the pores and increases the elasticity of the skin which gives you the “Cryoskin glow”. However the aging process continues unfortunately so the effect is not permanent.
Q. Is it safe?
The device is very safe. In terms of programming and electronics, it is managed by a computerized Windows system. The cooling system is controlled by an electronic temperature sensor located in the processing head of the device and the temperature is controlled in real time by a curve and figures displayed on the screen. In the event of a malfunction, the device alerts the operator by sounding a tone and displaying an error message.
Q. How does it work?
The machine itself functions by a Peltier effect (thermoelectric cooling) regulated by a hydraulic system which ensures a very high inertia which is absolutely necessary for the correct application of the treatment in a minimum of time. These characteristics, which are very difficult to obtain, make it possible to enact a very rapid cooling of the fat tissues while avoiding the risk of lesions of the skin tissue due to an application that is too long. The principle of the treatment is to lower the temperature of the fat cells enough to cause what is called the phenomenon of apoptosis. This phenomenon is triggered when the temperature of the fat tissues is between 17 and 12 ° and consists in a self-programming of the death of these cells.
Q. What are the benefits?
The major benefit sought is a large decrease in fat mass which was visualized by CT scans and measured between 15 and 40% according to the subjects tested. On the other hand, it must not be forgotten that the apparatus is not only capable of emitting cold but also of heat and of causing the two to alternate, thus causing "thermal shock". This method of thermal shock is medically recognized to be particularly restorative for tissues by significant increase of local micro-circulation and collagen.
Q. How does the slimming treatment work?
As already described above, the treatment works by triggering the phenomenon of apoptosis of the fat cells. This is achieved without risk to the other tissues (in particular muscular tissue) by the fact that the intracellular electrolytes of the fat cell are the first to crystallize in the cold before all the others. This crystallization is information brought to the cell to program self destruction. One could say that cryotherapy is a homeopathic treatment specific to the fat cell. (Homeopathy consists in inducing information to certain molecules).
Q. How is it helping me look younger?
This treatment causes a very strong increase in the local metabolism and an acceleration of the microcirculation which are both responsible for the production of collagen. The collagen thus brings elasticity and toning to the skin and makes it possible to visibly and durably combat skin aging.
Q. Why does reducing the temperature of the body destroy fat cells?
Cells crystallize when reduced in temperature and fat cells crystalize before the other cells. So if you get the temperature right you damage the fat cells but not any other cells in the body. This is why the Cryoskin 3.0 slimming treatment works.
Q. How many layers or mm of the skin does this treat?
4cm (about 1.5 inches) - but you need 14 minutes to get there.
Q. Does this target subcutaneous or fibrotic fat?
Subcutaneous is the easiest to reach so it reaches this layer easily. Fibrotic is more difficult to reach but the gel conveys the cold very well by removing the bubbles of air on the skin to help conduct the cold and this allows you to reach this.
Q. What about water retention?
Volume can be fat or water retention - some women have more water than fat - these women would need to do more drainage in those cases.
Q. How often can I do it?
The usual frequency is 1 treatment every 15 days (for slimming treatments). In some cases this can be reduced to 10 days by the addition of additional drainage treatment but is not necessarily recommended. There is a physiological reason for this: when apoptosis occurs and some fat cells die, waste is formed. This will be eliminated by natural routes (blood, lymphatic system, and then urine). Metabolism must therefore be allowed to evacuate this waste without overloading the circuits. Toning treatments can be performed once every week.
Q. Why can I only do it so often? What are the parameters with the Slimming treatment?
As mentioned above, we give the 15 day rule between treatments so as not to overload the lymphatic system. Also, it takes 15 days for 80% of the fat cells from the session to pass out of the client's system. The absolute minimum time between Slimming treatments is 12 days, but is not recommended on a long term scale (i.e. Okay if someone is going out of town but not ideal if someone just wants to get faster results)
Q. Can I workout before/after?
Yes, this is fine either way.
Q. What is considered to be one area I can treat?
This really depends on the person. For example, for a client that measures less than 37" around the stomach, we would consider the front abdomen + the love handles to be one area. However, for a client that measures more than 37", just the abdomen would count as their one area. For toning, the effectiveness is enhanced when a relatively localized area is being targeted. For example, if a client comes in for toning on their thighs, ask them which area they want to focus on (i.e. Inner, Front, Outer, Sides or Back/Butt) and treat this one area for 10 mins on each leg for maximum effectiveness.
Q. How long is each treatment?
One Slimming treatment amounts to 28 minutes, One toning treatment or facial amounts to 20 minutes.
Q. Can I do an area for longer? If not, why?
Working manually as well as on-screen displays make it possible to continuously monitor the condition of the treated tissues. However, there is no need or interest to work longer than expected, except when there is a larger area you are working with (i.e. in the case of body mass). Pre-programmed treatments were performed on average body surfaces so are effective across a variety of body types. Aside from being unnecessary, the treatment could become a little irritating and local hypothermia could cause some transient (not serious) pain.
Q. What is the ‘post lifting’ treatment which is available on the machine?
This is a program made for post lifting surgery. It’s a drainage program to use about 15 days after in order to decongest the skin and give it a better and more supple aspect. The temperature is -2 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes.
Q. Could someone do slimming on 2 different areas in 1 session?
No, you can’t double or increase the time session or work on 2 different areas in 1 session as you risk clogging up the liver.
Also, do not widen the treatment zone in order to treat a bigger area within a session as the results won’t be effective.
Q. Can you treat the chin and then other areas (as the area is smaller)?
In the case of a firming goal for the chin : no problem, you can treat both areas in 1 session using toning/lifting
In the case of a slimming goal, as in the case of excess fat around the chin, the fat will be also eliminated by the liver, therefore it’s not recommended. BUT as it’s a smaller area, if the client is in good shape, healthy with no elimination problems, you could treat 2 areas in this case.
Q. Why can you not eat sugar for 2 hours after?
To get the best results following a Cryoskin session, you should not eat any sugar for at minimum 2 hours before and after the session. The reason for this is that sugar is a strong power source for fat cells. It’s factual, all nutritionists would attest that to succeed a diet slimming, sugar is the first thing to stop. As you know, the cold weakens and retracts the adipocyte but if you eat sugar, that will give it back immediate energy so the apoptosis effect will be less efficient even could be canceled.
When we talk about sugar, we talk about all kind of sugars as slow sugar (pasta, rice, bread, cereals, fruit, alcohol) and of course fast-acting sugar. If possible, the client could avoid all kind of sugar for 4/5 hours before and after the cryo session but it’s a maximum. 2 hours is the usual recommended time to get results.
Q. Some customers wanted the treatment on their neck. Is there a reason we can’t do this?
You can treat the neck (Toning/Lifting either on its own or in conjunction with a facial OR Slimming for double chins)
How should you treat the neck?For lifting/toning the neck you should use the toning setting for the face (if it's double chin you use the slimming setting for that area). We also have a new radio frequency machine coming (SkinRF) which is very good for skin tightening.
How is this treatment different to a Cryo Facial (using a local Cryotherapy machine)?The cold temperature goes to a deeper level due to the way it’s applied to the face (Fibrotic layer instead of just subcutaneous). This is why you get a more significant effect with Cryoskin 2.0 as it’s stimulating more Collagen production AND increasing skin elasticity AND reducing pore size. Cryo Facials are nice but they just increase skin elasticity and reduce pore size - which are more superficial effects than Cryoskin 2.0.
How were the temperature levels for each body part decided?Different temperatures were tested on different body parts. The most effective temperatures were selected. If the impact stopped when you got below a certain temperature the highest effective temperature was selected. For example if -8 degrees Celsius was as effective as -12 then -8 was selected as higher temperatures are better as some people’s skin is more fragile than others and lower temps could freeze the skin.
What do I need to bring?Nothing. If anything, the best possible diet and lifestyle to accompany the treatments (drink plenty of water in particular).
Do I lose weight with this treatment?It is very common that there is a loss of weight during the treatment. This is due both to the loss of fat mass but also to the drainage techniques (exercise, etc) and the diet and lifestyle required.
How quickly will I see results?For the Slimming, the first results are generally visible from the first session and often very encouraging. However, it should be noted that the best results appear from 15 days to 3 weeks after the start of treatment and extend for several months after the end of treatment. For the Facial, results are visible right away. For the Toning, results are generally visible subtly from the first session and are at their best about 3-5 days after.
How long do those results last?Depending on the individual and depending also on their lifestyle and diet, the results last several months or several years. It is advisable to come back for 2 or 3 maintenance sessions 6 months after the end of treatment to maintain results.
Q. Can I do anything that enhances the treatment?
By implementing a healthy lifestyle and a good diet first. But also by the addition of a powerful drainage treatment in depth (lots of water, walking, exercise, compression).
Q. What is the % of fat reduction? Do we have any data on this?
Cryoskin 3.0 was tested on over 100 people at different temperatures and treatment periods. There was an average of 38% of fat loss on the treated area over 4 sessions in 6 weeks. The maximum fat loss was 45% in the treated area. Some women only lost 15% of fat in the treated area. Men’s abdominal area was particularly effective - with a good sample losing 45% of fat in that area.
Q. How long does it take to work?
There is usually not an immediate reaction as it takes time for the fat cells to be destroyed. Drainage techniques make a difference as you can do another treatment sooner - it accelerates the clearing out of the damaged fat cells through the lymphatic system.
Q. Has anyone had any serious side effects / been burned?
No. (100 people tested + over 300 machines in use in France)
Q. How much water should clients drink after the Slimming treatment?
1.5L per day for the duration of the process (2 weeks - 10 weeks depending on how many sessions)
Q. Why can I only have 2 areas done at one time?
Again, to not overload the circuits. On the other hand, there is a strong internal cooling of the tissues and the treating of more zones at the same time could cause in extreme cases hypothermia, but in many cases a phenomenon of great fatigue.
Q. What if I want to do my face, tummy, arms + legs in one session? Can I do the different options?
In our opinion and advice: No. Face and arms in a session. Belly and legs in another session.
In general, it is always advisable to do treatments on the upper OR lower body in a combined session.
The legs would count as one area because you would divide the time between each leg (14 mins on one leg, 14 mins on the other).
Q. Why do you need a 2 week break between Slimming treatments?
The 2 week break is needed for slimming as the waste is processed by the liver and kidneys and it could create (minor) issues if people don't have this break. This 2 week is the average people need which is why this the rule. On average it takes 15 days for 80% of the fat cells to pass through the lymphatic system.
Q. Can you do CryoSlimming if you have abdominal mesh from a hernia surgery?
The client has to wait 3 months in case there are any medical complications. Otherwise it could could affect the healing of the hernia.
Q. Can you do the facial if you've had Botox or fillers?
The manufacturer recommends abstaining from the facial for 3 months after these injections. A doctor who works for Allegan (owner of Botox / Fillers) said 1 month should be safe. You may want to suggest the client consults their doctor.
Q. Can you do sauna or infrared sauna before/after the Cryoskin?
For both the Slimming and the Toning it is okay to do sauna before the treatment. But, for slimming it is optimal to wait 3-4 days after the treatment to sauna due to the fact that apoptosis is generally the most active after 4 days.
Q. How often can/should you do the Toning treatment?
Although technically there is no risk to doing Toning treatments daily, it is generally the most effective to recommend Toning once per week on the area for the initial 5 pack.
Q. Where can I do a Slimming treatment?
A Slimming treatment can be done anywhere in which there is excess fat. It may not be done on the breasts or men's chest. It is generally not effective on the bum itself, which generally requires Toning.
Q. Why can't I do a Slimming on breasts?
Because the breasts (in both men and women) are glands, we do not want to treat that area with Slimming. Toning would be more appropriate in both cases.
Q. What is the best treatment for the bum?
This depends on the individual client. Although it is technically possible to slim the bum itself, it is generally more effective to perform Slimming under the bum (the band beneath each cheek) and then Toning on the cheeks themselves.
Q. Where can I do a Toning treatment?
A Toning treatment can be performed virtually anywhere (within reason). When performing a facial, please ensure you are using the "Anti-Aging Facial" program setting and not the "Body Toning" setting, as there is an 8 degree difference between the two and the skin on the face requires a warmer temperature.
Q. How do I know if someone is too slim for Slimming?
You should be able to gauge this when the client comes back to the treatment room and shows you the area. You can also grip onto the area to determine whether a Toning would be more effective for their body type. It is also possible that a thinner client may only require two to three Slimmings, and two to three Tonings (for example) in area to achieve desired results. You will need to determine this on a case by case basis.
Q. Why should people with Strong Diabetes be careful about Cryoskin treatments?
The chronic hyperglycemia of diabetics progressively damages the small blood vessels of the kidneys, so it is better not to overload the kidneys with close sessions, however we can treat them leaving 3 weeks instead of 15 days.
Q. Why can't you use Cryoskin while breastfeeding?
Fat cells are natural reserves for breast feeding, so it is best to wait until the end of this period.
Q. Can Cryoskin be used to treat Lipedema?
Lipedema is about fat and “static” liquid between fat cells, drainage 2 to 3 times a week in addition to Cryoskin sessions could provide good results.
Q. Is there a link to scientific studies on Cryolipolysis?